
One windy day...

Realização de John Kahrs | Paperman, 2012

"The film, titled Paperman, which will screen with Wreck-It Ralph, is an incredibly charming little film that also showcases a revolutionary animation technique. Told entirely in pantomime, Paperman is slightly reminiscent of the beloved classic The Red Balloon in the seemingly-sentient actions of inanimate objects.
The story concerns an ordinary guy who works at an ordinary job, schlepping himself into and out of the city on one of the daily commuter trains. One windy day, he has an accidental encounter with a nice young lady, who then boards her own train and vanishes out of his life almost as soon as she entered. Saddened by this near brush with what-might-have-been, the man later sits dejectedly at his desk looking at the huge stack of forms the boss has just dropped in his in-box, until he happens to glance out the window and discovers to his surprise that his dream-girl is at that moment sitting near the open window in the building across the street. He waves, to no avail. She hasn’t seen him. Desperate to get her attention, he turns to the stack of paper in front of him, quickly crafting one paper airplane after another and hurling them from the window, hoping to get just one of them across the street and into her hands. What happens next is wonderful, sweet, charming and magical in the best sense of the word." Jim Macquarrie in, Wired

2 comentários:

  1. Das melhores animações dos últimos tempos, sem dúvida.


  2. Diria até que é assim uma espécie de poema, belíssimo poema.

