"When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream?"[Daniel, Wings of Desire]Muito para além do sonho.
'Eu Sei Agora Aquilo que nenhum Anjo sabe.' in, As Asas Do DesejoÉ exactamente assim, contigo.
"When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream?"
ResponderEliminar[Daniel, Wings of Desire]
Muito para além do sonho.
'Eu Sei Agora Aquilo que nenhum Anjo sabe.'
ResponderEliminarin, As Asas Do Desejo
É exactamente assim, contigo.